Struct rc_mpu_config_t#

Struct Documentation#

struct rc_mpu_config_t#

configuration of the mpu sensor

Configuration struct passed to rc_mpu_initialize and rc_mpu_initialize_dmp. It is best to get the default config with rc_mpu_default_config() function first and modify from there.

physical connection configuration

int gpio_interrupt_pin_chip#

gpio pin, default 3 on Robotics Cape and BB Blue

int gpio_interrupt_pin#

gpio pin, default 21 on Robotics Cape and BB Blue

int i2c_bus#

which bus to use, default 2 on Robotics Cape and BB Blue

uint8_t i2c_addr#

default is 0x68, pull pin ad0 high to make it 0x69

int show_warnings#

set to 1 to print i2c_bus warnings for debug

accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer configuration

rc_mpu_accel_fsr_t accel_fsr#

accelerometer full scale range, default ACCEL_FSR_8G

rc_mpu_gyro_fsr_t gyro_fsr#

gyroscope full scale range, default GYRO_FSR_2000DPS

rc_mpu_accel_dlpf_t accel_dlpf#

internal low pass filter cutoff, default ACCEL_DLPF_184

rc_mpu_gyro_dlpf_t gyro_dlpf#

internal low pass filter cutoff, default GYRO_DLPF_184

int enable_magnetometer#

magnetometer use is optional, set to 1 to enable, default 0 (off)

DMP settings, only used with DMP mode

int dmp_sample_rate#

sample rate in hertz, 200,100,50,40,25,20,10,8,5,4

int dmp_fetch_accel_gyro#

set to 1 to optionally raw accel/gyro when reading DMP quaternion, default: 0 (off)

int dmp_auto_calibrate_gyro#

set to 1 to let DMP auto calibrate the gyro while in use, default: 0 (off)

rc_mpu_orientation_t orient#

DMP orientation matrix, see rc_mpu_orientation_t.

double compass_time_constant#

time constant (seconds) for filtering compass with gyroscope yaw value, default 25

int dmp_interrupt_sched_policy#

Scheduler policy for DMP interrupt handler and user callback, default SCHED_OTHER.

int dmp_interrupt_priority#

scheduler priority for DMP interrupt handler and user callback, default 0

int read_mag_after_callback#

reads magnetometer after DMP callback function to improve latency, default 1 (true)

int mag_sample_rate_div#

magnetometer_sample_rate = dmp_sample_rate/mag_sample_rate_div, default: 4

int tap_threshold#

threshold impulse for triggering a tap in units of mg/ms