Struct rc_kalman_t#

Struct Documentation#

struct rc_kalman_t#

State Transition Matrices for linear filter only

rc_matrix_t F#

undriven state-transition model

rc_matrix_t G#

control input model

rc_matrix_t H#


Covariance Matrices

rc_matrix_t Q#

Process noise covariance set by user.

rc_matrix_t R#

Measurement noise covariance set by user.

rc_matrix_t P#

Predicted state error covariance calculated by the update functions.

rc_matrix_t Pi#

Initial P matrix set by user.

State estimates

rc_vector_t x_est#

Estimated state x[k|k] = x[k|k-1],y[k])

rc_vector_t x_pre#

Predicted state x[k|k-1] = f(x[k-1],u[k])


int initialized#

set to 1 once initialized with rc_kalman_alloc

uint64_t step#

counts times rc_kalman_measurement_update has been called