Key thought revolutions in history

This history is not meant to be complete, but to provide a progression leading to a collection of useful knowledge for now. As these thought revolutions occured, other distinct revolutions also occured and had complex impacts on overlapping thoughts. These revolutions represent genies that never fully went back in the bottle.

Problems generate solutions

  • Problem: Very large and very small numbers (fractions) with limited symbols. Solution: Base 60 with only 2 root symbols.

  • Problem: Right angles needed for safer, easier construction. Solution: Pythagorean triples.

  • Problem: Solution: Algorithmic static algebraic equation solving. (Al-Khwarizmi)

  • Problem: Telescope? Solution: Telescope?

  • Problem: Moons orbiting Jupiter. Solution: Heliocentrism.

Other ones I think are important

  • Newton’s laws

  • Maxwell’s equations

  • Kirchoff’s current laws

Individual figures in history

I would like to somewhat separate figures from revolutions in thought. I’d like to introduce people as an inspiration, but also down-play their individual roles to some extent based on how views of history often miscredit individuals and ignore simultaneous developments in other parts of the world. The key take-aways from the people-in-history segments should include:

  • A single individual can introduce a powerful thought.

  • You could be that individual.

  • Incremental thoughts slowly introduce challenges that result in break-throughs.

I think, perhaps, including some critical relationships, either contemporary or inspiration, could be instructive. I need to be careful to not overemphasize any given culture.

Some key figures and relationships

  • Socrates and Plato

  • Al-Khwarizmi

  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

  • Newton

  • Adam Smith, John Ruskin and Mahatma Gandhi

  • Ada Lovelace

  • Tesla

  • Daphne Oram

  • Jesus