.. _beaglev-ahead-design: Design & specifications ####################### If you want to know how BeagleV Ahead board is designed and what are it's high-level specifications then this chapter is for you. We are going to discuss each hardware design element in detail and provide high-level device specifications in a short and crisp form as well. Block diagram ************** .. figure:: images/hardware-design/SystemBlockDiagram.* :width: 740 :align: center :alt: System block diagram System block diagram .. figure:: images/hardware-design/I2C-Usage.* :width: 420 :align: center :alt: I2C-Usage diagram I2C-Usage diagram System on Chip (SoC) ********************* .. figure:: images/hardware-design/SD-EMMC-PowerSwitch.png :width: 420 :align: center :alt: SoC eMMC power switch SoC eMMC power switch .. figure:: images/hardware-design/SoC-DDR-Power.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: SoC DDR Power SoC DDR Power .. figure:: images/hardware-design/SoC-MIPI-CSI-DSI-HDMI.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: SoC MIPI CSI DSI HDMI SoC MIPI CSI DSI HDMI .. figure:: images/hardware-design/SoC-Power.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: SoC power SoC power .. figure:: images/hardware-design/SoC-SYS-ADC-Clock.png :width: 1247 :align: center :alt: SoC sys, ADC, and Clock SoC sys, ADC, and Clock .. figure:: images/hardware-design/SoC-USB-GMAC-Audio.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: SoC USB GMAC Audio SoC USB GMAC Audio Power management ***************** Barrel jack ============ .. figure:: images/hardware-design/BarrelJackInput.* :width: 1247 :align: center :alt: Barrel jack power input Barrel jack power input 0.8V DCDC buck ============== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/DCDC0V8.png :width: 1247 :align: center :alt: 0.8V DCDC buck converter 0.8V DCDC buck converter 3.3V DCDC buck ============== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/DCDC3V3.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: 3.3V DCDC buck converter 3.3V DCDC buck converter 1.8V LDO ======== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/LDO1V8.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: 1.8V LDO regulator 1.8V LDO regulator PMIC ==== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/PMIC-BUCK.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: PMIC Buck PMIC Buck .. figure:: images/hardware-design/PMIC-Control.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: PMIC Control PMIC Control .. figure:: images/hardware-design/PMIC-LDO.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: PMIC LDO PMIC LDO General Connectivity and Expansion ********************************** microUSB 3.0 port ================== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/microUSB3.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: microUSB 3.0 port microUSB 3.0 port P8 & P9 cape header pins ========================= .. figure:: images/hardware-design/P8-Header.png :width: 420 :align: center :alt: P8 cape header P8 cape header .. figure:: images/hardware-design/P9-Header.png :width: 420 :align: center :alt: P9 cape header P9 cape header mikroBUS shuttle connector ========================== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/mikroBUS.png :width: 420 :align: center :alt: mikroBUS shuttle connector P8, P9, and mikroBUS helper circuitry ====================================== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/mikroBUS-reset.png :width: 420 :align: center :alt: mikroBUS reset circuitry .. figure:: images/hardware-design/P8-P9-mikroBUS-LevelShifter.png :width: 1247 :align: center :alt: P8, P9, and mikroBUS level shifters P8, P9, and mikroBUS level shifters Buttons and LEDs ****************** Boot select buttons ==================== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/BootSelect.* :width: 740 :align: center :alt: Boot select buttons Boot select buttons User LEDs and Power LED ======================== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/User-Power-LEDs.* :width: 740 :align: center :alt: User LEDs and power LED User LEDs and power LED Power and reset button ======================= .. figure:: images/hardware-design/Power-Reset-Button.* :width: 740 :align: center :alt: Power and reset button Power and reset button Wired and wireless connectivity ******************************** Ethernet ======== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/Ethernet.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: Ethernet Ethernet .. figure:: images/hardware-design/Ethernet-LevelShifter-Strapping.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: Ethernet LevelShifter and Strapping Ethernet LevelShifter and Strapping WiFi & Bluetooth ================= .. figure:: images/hardware-design/WiFi-Bluetooth.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: WiFi and Bluetooth WiFi and Bluetooth Memory, Media and Data storage ******************************** DDR memory ========== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/DDR4-0-1.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: 2GB DDR4 Memory chip1 2GB DDR4 Memory chip1 .. figure:: images/hardware-design/DDR4-2-3.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: 2GB DDR4 Memory chip2 2GB DDR4 Memory chip2 eMMC ===== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/EMMC.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: 16GB eMMC 16GB eMMC microSD ======= .. figure:: images/hardware-design/microSDCard.png :width: 740 :align: center :alt: microSD card connector microSD card connector EEPROM ====== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/EEPROM.png :width: 420 :align: center :alt: 16GB EEPROM 16GB EEPROM Multimedia I/O *************** CSI0 ==== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/CSI0.png :width: 420 :align: center :alt: CSI0 camera interface CSI0 camera interface CSI1 ==== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/CSI1.png :width: 420 :align: center :alt: CSI1 camera interface CSI1 camera interface DSI ==== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/DSI.png :width: 420 :align: center :alt: DSI display interface DSI display interface CSI & DSI level shifter ======================= .. figure:: images/hardware-design/CSI-DSI-LevelShifter.png :width: 420 :align: center :alt: CSI & DSI level shifter CSI & DSI level shifter HDMI ==== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/HDMI.png :width: 1247 :align: center :alt: HDMI display interface HDMI display interface Debug ****** UART debug port =============== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/DebugPort.png :width: 420 :align: center :alt: UART Debug port UART Debug port JTAG debug port =============== .. figure:: images/hardware-design/JTAG.png :width: 720 :align: center :alt: JTAG debug port JTAG debug port Mechanical Specifications ************************** .. table:: :align: center :widths: auto +----------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Top | Bottom | +====================================================+=========================================================+ | .. image:: images/mechanical-design/top.* | .. image:: images/mechanical-design/bottom.* | | :width: 427 | :width: 427 | | :align: center | :align: center | | :alt: BeagleV Ahead top | :alt: BeagleV Ahead bottom | +----------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ .. table:: :align: center :widths: auto +----------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Front | Left | Right | +====================================================+=========================================================+=========================================================+ | .. image:: images/mechanical-design/front.* | .. image:: images/mechanical-design/left.* | .. image:: images/mechanical-design/right.* | | :width: 247 | :width: 295 | :width: 168 | | :align: center | :align: center | :align: center | | :alt: BeagleV Ahead top | :alt: BeagleV Ahead left | :alt: BeagleV Ahead right | +----------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ .. table:: Dimensions & weight +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Values | +====================+====================================================+ | Size | 96.5×60.7×19.9mm | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Max heigh | 21.1mm | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | PCB Size | 96.5x60.5*1.6mm | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | PCB Layers | 10 layers | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | PCB Thickness | 1.6mm | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | RoHS compliant | yes | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Gross Weight | 128.8g | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Net weight | 49.7g | +--------------------+----------------------------------------------------+